Hey there!
I'm Cathy Kowalke, the one BEHIND the camera! I'm so glad you're here. My Business, Family Focused Photography, exists to make you photograph your happily ever after. I am a visual storyteller and I offer love working with families to tell stories like yours. I hope this is a start to a beautiful friendship where I can support and encourage you in your beautiful life.
Who are you?!
I'm Cathy, the originator of Family Focused Photography.
What is your go to Starbucks order?
Iced White Chocolate Mocha With Oat Milk OR a Dragon Drink!
What is your favorite place you've visited?
This is a tough one! Manhattan, Pikes Peak, Gatlinburg, Miami... I like the chaos of a lot of people and gorgeous scenery! But I wouldn't want to live in any of them.
What is your secret talent?
I am really good at making people laugh. I dont care if it is with me or at me. That, or I once wrote my name with my feet...
What is the worst part about working for yourself?
The hard decisions! It is all 100% on me and before I had anyone else to bounce ideas off of, it was really hard to figure it all out on my own.
What is your favorite food?
Does cheesecake count??
What is your favorite show?
The Office, Greys Anatomy, or Station 19!
What is your go-to podcast?
Pivot Ball Change by Krystle Frey!!!
What is the best advice you have for new photographers?
Embrace the learning. My first year and a half, everything I did was free. I built a portfolio, learned to pose, learned to edit... I didn't charge when I shouldn't. It forced me to learn to be smart with where I put in my energy.
Where are you located?
Rome City, Indiana!
In our house you'll find a whole lot of...
Kids and toys. We have four kids, all born within four years! With kids comes toys and weird collections like rocks, used stickers, and toilet paper tubes.
What is your silliest pet-peve?
When someone is driving like an idiot in the snow with other people around. FIND AN EMPTY PARKING LOT!
What is the best thing about working for yourself?
The fact I can work around my husband's crazy schedule and be home with my kids on the week days!
What is your favorite book?
The Giver- Lois Lowry
What is your favorite type of print product you sell?
I LOVE our mounted prints. They feel so fancy and I love ordering them!
What is your ideal weekend?
UGH! That's a hard one! I would love to go adventure with my family, BUT I use my weekends to do photos with other families and I LOVE doing that!!!
What would you tell your younger self?
Pursue art. You will be talked out of it and waste a lot of time. But just do it.
What skill would you like to master?