Motherhood is messy and challenging and crazy and sleepless and giving and still unbelievably beautiful.
Rachel Martin
Momming is HARD.
There is no denying that. There is so much pressure to be perfect in all aspects. But whether you breastfeed or bottle feed, someone out there says you are doing it all wrong. Let me take away some of the pressure off of your shoulders. When it comes to booking your session, there are a lot of questions about how the process works. Since your new little peanut isn’t here yet, it’s hard to figure out a schedule. Here is what we suggest:
Contact us during the beginning of your third trimester to set a date for the session. We require a deposit of 50% of the session fee to hold the date for you and we only accept newborn sessions during the first 21 days after birth. Keep in contact with us as your pregnancy comes to a close so we can be prepared. This means, as soon as your baby has arrived, let us know! It doesn't need to be IMMEDIATE as we will keep a more open schedule than normal around your due date. But, we appreciate as much notice as possible!

Don't worry too much about your skin!
Did you know postpartum acne is a thing?
According to the Cleveland Clinic , "Postpartum acne is acne that develops after pregnancy. Pimples may start to appear right after giving birth. Or they may develop weeks or months later. Postpartum acne results from changes in hormone levels as your body adjusts to not being pregnant. The fluctuating hormones cause your body to produce oil, which clogs your pores along with dirt and dead skin cells. Pimples develop in the clogged pores."
DON'T WORRY!!!! I have a rule of thumb when it comes to editing, if it wouldn't be there in a month, I remove it. This includes acne, food stains, something in your teeth, etc. I HAVE BEEN THERE!!! Together, we got this.

When it comes to your photos, I want to make life as painless as possible by taking some of the weight off of your shoulders. I offer a full client closet for women that includes sizes from small to 3x that are flattering and hide the areas where WE (I am a mom, too!!!) are the most self-conscious about. These dresses are bump and nursing friendly so you have no worries about buying a new dress that you'd only wear once.

We can also bring things for your baby!
This includes props, posing pillows, baskets, wraps, blankets, headbands, and clothes. We have a wide variety of gear and items to bring to make your home look picture perfect without anyone knowing any differently. I know after having a baby, the LAST thing I wanted to do was make my home look perfect. Don't worry about that. I am here to help give the illusion of a realistic perfection without any hefty requests of you.
Weather permitting, we can also go outside!! Fresh air and sunshine is a perfect way to recharge even if for a short amount of time.
It takes a village. Let us be a part of yours.